Monday, June 25, 2007

Day 1 and 37 hours later

It’s Monday night, we left Sunday morning at 6:00 am and now, 37 hours into our trip across the USA and we’ve made our first stop. Well, not really our first stop, we stopped for gas, food and a few other quick stops, but we ended up driving through the night instead of stopping in Illinois, so this really is our first stop. At the moment we are in Montana and we will actually be able to get home by tomorrow evening so we’ve made pretty good time. All the way from New London, New Hampshire to Abbotsford, British Columbia in three days.

Map: This is what we traveled, from 6 am yesterday morning till 9 pm tonight, 2260 miles(Around 3600 kilometers for us Canadians)
New London, New Hampshire - Billings, Montana

So far it's been a good drive, in the first 37 hour segment, we went through 12 states:

New Hampshire - Vermont - New York - Pennsylvania - Ohio - Indiana - Illinois - Wisconsin - Minnesota - South Dakota - Wyoming - Montana

And tomorrow we'll be going through Montana - Idaho - Washington before we get back to good 'ole British Columbia.

Picture: Here is Josiah and myself, barely awake but about to leave from New London

Picture: This was supposed to be a picture of our first red-light of our road trio, but we were a little slow...

Picture: The United States is finally catching on.

Picture: You're just going to have to believe that it's us, but there we are in front of Lake Erie

Picture: Josiah got a little lost, but I found him eventually

Picture: This morning we were greeted by a pleasant surprise, the best that Minnesota can offer, a 60 ft. Statue of the Jolly Green Giant!

Picture: I'll be honest, it was kinda cool being at Mount Rushmore, but it was a lot smaller than it looks in pictures, almost not worth the $8 parking!

Picture: Josiah and myself at the mount

Picture: This is South Dakota captured completely in one picture, this is all we saw for hours on end. It's only redeeming quality is Mount Rushmore and even then I was overcharged for parking... Well, at least my parking pass is good for a year, so if I want to see what those 4 guys are up to before December 31st, I'm good to go!

So far Josiah and I have been having a ton of fun, we've seen more than our share of dead animals, and unfortunately, I even contributed to it. This morning I swerved to avoid a crossing possum and instead of missing him nailed him square with two tires. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry so I laughed. And Josiah joined me.

More to come as I continue the journey home.

Check out Josiah's blog at


  1. Dan Zupancic said...

    so lots of peeing in a bottle eh?

    you are right, it is a lot smaller than you would think.

    Even I have to admit your progress is impressive.

    Good stuff, just keep safe.

  2. Leenda Zupancic said...

    I just read your blog at 10:54pm Monday, I had no idea that you will be home so soon???????????????
    Be careful that last few miles!