Friday, February 02, 2007

Another AWEsome day.

It felt like a short week, well, it really was I guess, we got back on Monday, so no school, then on tuesday we didn't have work in their afternoon, and fridays are our day off so that brings me to today, feeling quite a bit more rested than I have in a long time. It's nice to have a weekend off at home instead of the last two weekends away.

Yesterday was fun, I slept in really late, until 9:30 am, which for me, is really late, especially because I normally get up at 5:40 am to go the gym before school, so anytime after 7 is a treat!

Picture: The Studio

In the early afternoon I got picked up to go to the offices to have John Paul Jackson interpret my dream! John Paul Jackson has been expanding into television and has started with AWE webTV. For some episodes coming up, he asked some of us interns to submit some dreams and out of those he picked four of us, Jody(Michigan), Rebecca(Sweden), Claire(England) and myself (British Columbia). Dreams from four nations were represented that day!

You won't see our episodes for a little bit yet, they will come up in March I'm told. Don't worry, I'll let you know when. It was pretty fun, and kind of cool knowing that I'm going to now be world famous, well, kind of...

Picture: John Paul Jackson and Rebecca(Sweden)

In other news, we finished off the 201 class in Interpreting Dreams, so pretty soon we'll be starting the 202 on Advanced Dream Interpretation. That should be really good, I really enjoyed the 201, so I'm really looking forward to the 202. Drew McGee, one of our teachers for the 201 also gave us a huge list of symbols and general meanings that his friend compiled, so that was a pretty awesome help!

Picture: John Paul Jackson and Myself

Well I'm going to go to Lebanon today to do a few things with Chad, basically I'm tagging along.

I need to go get ready, have a shower, pretty myself up, so I hope you all have an amazing day!

Picture: John Paul Jackson and Jody(Michigan)

Picture: Kurt and I just hanging out.

Picture: Kurt and Claire(England) seemed to hit off well


  1. Leenda Zupancic said...

    Dustin you must write a eulogy for Enoch, who got enoched off.

  2. Dan Zupancic said...

    I can't decide who is cuter, you or kurt...