Friday, May 11, 2007

Kids these days

It has been hot out these last few days. A little too hot, a little too suddenly for my liking. The last few days have hit around 27 C (that's 81-ish F for you americans), that's great and all, but it's been a bit of a shock to my system and I must say it's relieving to know that it's supposed to drop down to a much more manageable 16C(65F) tomorrow. Just in time for our outreach!

This weekend we are headed out to two different location on saturday, one team to downtown Boston MA to pray/love the area, and the other team to Northborough MA to the Olive Branch Bookstore ( to do dream interpretations. Then on Sunday we are all going to "A Night to Bless Israel" at the Boston Statehouse ( to help out logistically mostly. I'll throw up some pictures and give you more details after the weekend.

I could definitely use your prayers as I am the one who is organizing us interns to do this outreach. It'll be interesting as I don't really have a whole lot of details on how Sunday is going to go, so you can pray for grace, wisdom, discernment, for the event and for Israel!

I'll leave you today with a delightful video of some wonderful goats that live just a few houses down from me. I'm sure you'll enjoy them as much as I did. If you don't like the video, you must be a very cold and calloused individual. What kind of a person wouldn't like cute goats?


  1. Leenda Zupancic said...

    Those are kute kids, a little pushy maybe but they couldn't resist the green stuff and the possibility of getting famous on "you tube" via Dustin!