Oh Chad...
What could I do? I was helpless. Normally I wouldn't write a post like this about one person, but honestly, through a recent string of events, I've been forced to.
My roommate Chad, I love 'em to pieces, but that doesn't mean that when he does ridiculous things, or when I have some good video on him, that I do nothing. I really feel compelled to share this with all 15 of you out there.
So let's start off with a story.
This previous week, Chad, Luke and Jamie stayed over night at my house because we were going to be going to Avalanche in Kelowna. I was on a different flight and wasn't there that night so this is second hand, but I'm pretty confident in all the sources.Turns out that Chad decided to brush his teeth that night, I don't know if he forgot his toothpaste or just decided to use someone else's. Regardless, he saw a tube that said "Menthol Gel" on it and decided to go for it. Without regard to the actual content of the tube, he started brushing his teeth. Unfortunately the extra smooth gel that didn't foam didn't tip him off. Neither did the fact that his mouth felt numb. After he finished brushing his teeth he found Luke and told him that he just used the worst toothpaste ever. Luke went and looked and discovered that Chad had in fact brushed his teeth with my grandma's A535 Muscle Relaxant.
Apparently Chad needs to work on some discernment...
Below I also included a video clip of us waking up Chad one morning in Kelowna before the Avalanche Conference.
And here's a clip of what Chad had to endure on the ride down to Abbotsford from Kelowna. We were all exhausted and me and Ken had nothing else to do the entire ride but have fun with Chad.
I got to say, Chad is amazing, and I can't believe that he put up with half of what he did, I'll probably end up paying for it when I go back there after the wedding in June, but I think it's worth it.