Friday, September 22, 2006

Uhh yeah I saw a moose...

I don't really know what to write so here are a few random snippets...

My weekend started with friday as usual, and today about a third of the school was off on a ministry trip, the rest of us will be doing one at the end of this term, but there's just too many of us to do it at one time. I'm really looking forward to when I'm going to go. The other ministry trip will be in October when we go to "Haunted Happenings" in Salem Massachusets.

I'm really looking forward to that trip, we will be doing a lot of dream interpretations and stuff there, so it should be pretty awesome.

Tonight about 6 of us went "Moose Hunting" with one of the caretakers of Pinnacle Mountain (, Ron, so we ended up driving around for almost an hour in high traffic moose areas, and eventually after much deep intercession, we did find one standing just off the road, most of the people who came had never seen a moose before so it was pretty neat that it was a pretty big one with a big set of antlers.

A few days ago I was asking a girl at the offices to check my account so I could figure out some finance stuff, so she needed my last name to put it in the computer. So I spelled it for her, "Z-u-p..." and she typed "Zedup..." So I kept correcting her, "No, it's Z! u-p..." And no matter how I said it, she kept retyping it the same way, and I couldn't figure out what the problem was. Finally, I figured it out, down here, they say "Zee" not "Zed" and she had never even heard of someone saying "Zed" before, I guess I always assumed that even though they say "Zee" here, they'd know what "Zed" was...Apparently not.

Anyways, God is good, isn't He? He constantly reminds me of it, and I just love Him all the more for it.



  1. Anonymous said...

    umm I love you...
    My e-mail is
    and a myspace..
    my phone...
    umm I'll give you that else where...

    I love you Dustin Zuper...
    Joel William Mueller