Saturday, August 26, 2006

Here I am. In New York.

Well, I made it to New York in one piece, although I have to admit, it was mighty disapointing. I didn't get to see the Statue of Liberty when I flew in. I guess I thought it'd be like the movies where they always fly by it so close, but no, it's not true, don't believe it. I didn't even see it in the distance or anything. Other than that my flight was pretty uneventful, except I was there really early. The border people said I should be there like 2 hours before the reccomended 2 hours early, so I heeded their advice and I ended up being there waaaay to early, it only took an extra half hour to do the customs stuff I needed to do, and then I just sat in the airport for like 3 1/2 hours, but better safe than sorry...
Jeremey and his fiance Rachel picked my up from JFK Airport, then we had a leisurely drive to Conneticut and we stopped for dinner, so it was a good evening, it sounds like Jeremey's got some stuff planned for us to do for the next few days before I bus up to the school, so I'm really looking forward to my little vacation before school starts.


  1. Anonymous said...

    Sounds like fun. I heard you sold jeremy out and pretened to fall alseep so just jeremy would have to talk to the over talkative guy. eliminated yourself from the convo. Well i hope Jeremy still takes you to do those things he had planned after that. Have fun
    Yehaw! Gooddie Bye