Wednesday, September 19, 2007


All the interns arrived on Saturday, well, all save my sister Elisa that is. You can keep her in your prayers as she has been having difficulty with customs people getting her Visa but she'll be here soon enough!

Everyone has been getting adjusted, most are finished unpacking and setting up their rooms and we've even started our first classes! Scott Evelyn started teaching the ISD 101 class (The Art of Hearing God) Monday morning and has been doing that every morning thus far. "How come you aren't there?" you may be asking. Well let me tell you. Today is my morning off which has been amazing thus far. It's so nice to get a break and to be able to sleep in a little bit and to be able to find some time to update you all!

It's definitely different being in leadership this year as opposed to an intern last year. I haven't worked out exactly the nature of all the differences but it's definitely more tiring! I really am finding it an amazing exercise in being in tune with God all the time. I am constantly asking God what He's doing, what's going on, for insight, wisdom and everything in between! It's tiring but so rewarding and I've really noticed personal growth in my perceptions of things as I try to ask God to be always revealing His will in every situation that comes up.

I think I'm starting to have a glimpse of what Jesus meant when he said, "I only do what I see my Father doing.". I'm painfully aware of when I don't do what I'm supposed to, but I'm starting to see how I can make God a constant part of my day, how I can walk in his will all the time. There's a big difference between remembering to ask God what to do and then making an adjustment in your walk/day/attitude/decision than trying to be sensitive and aware to what God is doing constantly.

It's a shift that I cannot explain, I think it's kind of by revelation that we can learn to walk in it. All I know is that it's exciting, I see God move more and it can be tiring.

Scott Evelyn said during the 101 class this week that, "We cannot become more spiritual, but we can become less fleshly.", I feel like that kind of is a summary of what God and I are doing lately and it's been a lot of work to try and continually walk in the spirit, it's much easier to do things the way I think they should be done. It's a constant battle, during the day when I feel myself slipping into the way I think things should be done and into my own perceptions, I have to consistently ask God to align myself with His will and kingdom plans for myself and for everyone around me.

It's been good though and I would really appreciate your prayers for continued and greater discernment, wisdom and understanding.

Other than that, things are going pretty good, I still don't have any pictures really, I'll try to work on that, soon hopefully I'll get a picture with all the interns on it so you can picture them and pray for them as well!

I also have an address for all you people out there, I know you are all dying to send me care packages, well friends, fret no more because below is my mailing address!

Dustin Zupancic
88 Main St.
New London, NH

Until later, bless you all a whole bunch!

Now playing: Battles - Race In


  1. Jenn said...

    Hey Dustin, I just wanted to let you know that we pray for you all in New Hampshire every morning! I hope everything continues to go well for you all.

  2. Anonymous said...

    Great insights Dustin, that's where I want to be, more spirit and less flesh. I'm so glad that you are getting a head start on this in your life!