Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A New Season

It's about time isn't it? I've been gone to New Hampshire a little over a week and I haven't had the consideration to write a blog yet. Well that all changes now! At least for now. We've been crazy busy here in the little hamlet of New London as we are preparing for interns coming, mostly on Saturday, but one today and then Elisa tomorrow!

Dan (Scotland) and I were up to 12:30 am last night cleaning at one of our new properties that we are moving into tomorrow. There's a lot of work to be done and even more that is done but it's been fun working with the amazing team of staff we have down here.

Sorry no pictures yet, but hopefully soon I'll throw some up.

The weather here has been pretty lousy, the only warm weather we got was really muggy heat, and I hate muggy heat. Other then that it's been typical BC weather here, rain, in a whole variety of ways, drizzles, deluges, sprinkles and showers. At least it's not boring.

When I first arrived we basically jumped right into it. We had some leadership training meetings with John Paul Jackson, Patty Mapes and Scott Evelyn, hopefully later I can throw up some good quotes for you all to ponder.

I gotta get going, work will be starting soon, but I just want you all to know that I am, in fact, not dead. I kind of doubt I'll be able to update this very much over the next week as I will be really busy still. But I'll try. No promises, I mean come on, get off my back man!


  1. [Ashley.White] said...

    so um do you put the pictures at the top of the blog like that?it is a cool effect.