Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A Beautiful Thought

I've been thinking a lot lately about God's eternal nature, creation, us and everything in between. Something that has struck me is how we have such a hard time thinking outside of time. No matter how hard we try it seems so hard to break the mindset that God is outside of time.

That seems like such a simple concept that often I find myself just accepting it without giving it much thought. I've really been learning about the vastness and wonder of God. We are told not to put God in a box but I'm wondering if that's even possible? To think about the vastness of God, to try to put that into thought, isn't that even kind of limiting Him to be as big as you can imagine? I think as humans we almost have to put limits on things to be able to understand them.

Now I believe I am beginning to understand that I will never understand. I suppose that could be discouraging to some, but it's thrilling for me, to know that every time I try to picture God, his vastness or try to understand the fullness of an aspect of him, I'm way off. To know that God is infinitely more vast than what I can even imagine is comforting for me.

I have so much wonder and awe when I consider that this God loves me. When you try to put it in scale or context, well you can't, so I'll just give up on that. I love what the psalmist says in Psalm 45:

Psalm 45:1
"My heart overflows with a beautiful thought!
I will recite a lovely poem to the king, for my tongue is
like the pen of a skillful poet."

"My heart overflows with a beautiful thought..." That's what I want every day. Jesus is the ultimate beautiful thought. When I think about God that's how I feel sometimes, just overwhelmed in wonder. What did it for me today was thinking about God creating us.

I'll try to explain my overwhelming thought, we'll see how I do...

We tend to think of Creation as a past work, but for God there is no time. So what we consider to be thousands of years ago when God created us, when he walked in the Garden with Adam, God is doing at this very moment. There is no difference to God, when you are going through hard times, when you are having the best day of your life, right now while you are reading this, God is taking infinite joy and love as he creates you. When He spoke into existence the creation of everything, those words are resonating right now.

It's hard to share revelations, I don't know if I was able to convey that, but I hope it gives you something to think about at least. I pray that this day, as you consider God, creation and eternity, you will be overwhelmed with a beautiful thought.

What else is new you may be wondering? Well, so far just school as normal, but coming up this weekend we are splitting up into two groups and going on an outreach. Some of us are going somewhere, and the rest of us, somewhere else. I'm not sure exactly where, but I'll definitely put up pictures and write about it.

Jessica(Virginia) and Myself

Matt(Here) works here for Streams doing video. He also makes most excellent music which you can check out here.

And for your bonus feature, here is a video of an average lunch break.