It's too late to think of a title.
Last night we stopped in Hopkinton, Massachusetts at a Vineyard Church where they fed us an amazing dinner which included some homemade lasagne, definately a crowd pleaser. That night Ken talked a bit about prophetic evangelism, did some dream interpretations from up front and then we broke up into teams and gave people words, kind of like a Salem format. It was really good, it was super easy, very refreshing. I think it was so good for us to start doing this kind of thing at Claremont and at Salem, where the spiritual climate was very different, it was alot harder to get words when we were there. But here at the church, where people want it, and are already seeking after God, where we don't have to set the atmosphere with intercession, it's already there, it's so much easier to receive revelation and to just pray through it all when you are in that kind of an enviroment which is so open to whatever the Holy Spirit wants to do.
Today we got to New York, we went straight to Sharayah's church, "The Lighthouse", from there we dropped the girls stuff off at Sharayah's then we rushed as fast as our little vans could take us to New York City for our training session. We arrived a fashionable 45 minutes late due to traffic and due to simply not having enough time.
You know all the things they say about New York? Well it's true, I even saw steaming manhole covers, I'll be honest, I always wanted to see steaming manhole covers, I mean, I seen them on TV and all, but steaming manhole covers is not something common to the thriving metropolis of Abbotsford. Anyways, moving on.
I never realized how big of a deal this conference was, untilI saw some of the big names coming, like Tony Robbinson, that guy you always see on TV, with his book "Natural cures the governement doesn't want you to know." Also there will be the obvious highlight, the Mad Money guy, yeah that's right, Jim Cramer himself, I sure hope he brought along his sound effects... Well I won't bore you with any more details, mostly because I don't know them.
But you can go to there is probably info and pictures of the conference there. I don't have my computer here so I'll put up pictures later if all goes well.
I got to go to bed now, tonight is probably the most sleep I'm going to get before I go home, so I think I'm going to take advantage of it. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me, I don't think I'll answer them though because I won't have time or feel like it. However, I would take the time to read and maybe respond to any comments you leave, you oughtto know by now how much I appreciate them.
If all goes well, I've got a few ideas to sell to Donald Trump, I'm fairly convinced I can double his profits with an invention I have, I won't say what until the patent comes, but let's just say it will dramatically affect the amount of trash and mice in New York City, we'll see though...
You met Mad Money Jim Cramer?!?!?!?! Was he intense? did you get any advice from him? did he look stressed from a long night of high-octane financial advising? New York Truly is a magical place.
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